New Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230
In November 2023, innotec participated in a seminar organized by TÜV Austria Deutschland and Akademie Herkert focusing on the upcoming Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230. Scheduled to take effect on January 20, 2027, this regulation adopts a risk-based approach similar to the current machinery directive 2006/42/EG. At the same time, it introduces some changes, particularly in areas such as software, cybersecurity, and user manual.
The seminar provided valuable insights and fostered interactive discussions on topics that are still not entirely clear. As we await the publication of the machinery regulation guidelines, these discussions will persist. It is evident that, despite some uncertainties, studying and considering the new machinery regulation now is beneficial for customers. With only three years until its implementation, the timeline is shorter than it may seem.
At innotec, we are committed to offering support regarding machinery directives and regulations, including all harmonised functional safety standards, such as ISO 13849 or IEC 62061.