The Role of TÜVs in Functional Safety and Cybersecurity Certification – Do We Really Need Them?

The Role of TÜVs in Functional Safety and Cybersecurity Certification – Do We Really Need Them?

We all have experienced the pressure of being under examination at some point. Whether it was during a school test or a driving license exam, the feeling is the same: you’ve prepared for days, weeks, and now you’re under the scrutiny of someone who will decide whether you pass or fail. It is not an experience we seek out every day, but once you pass the exam, the feeling of joy and accomplishment is undeniable.

Merging Standards for Functional Safety – A Step Toward Simplification?

Merging Standards for Functional Safety – A Step Toward Simplification?

The functional safety landscape for software development is diverse, with various industries adhering to their own specific standards. Recently, efforts to simplify this complexity, such as the new EN 50716:2023 standard for railway applications, have raised important questions. This blog…