innotec functional safety training

Functional Safety and AGILE development workshop

While agile software development fosters rapid progress, it’s crucial to simultaneously meet the essential functional safety standards requirements outlined in IEC 61508, ISO 26262, ISO 25119, EN 50128, and similar frameworks. These standards typically adhere to a more conventional linear phase-based process model and delineate prerequisites for the software life cycle and requisite documentation. While these standards offer flexibility in process and product implementation, they also allow customization in specifying and tailoring the software life cycle. However, adhering to the documentation and software development life cycle outlined in functional safety standards can be a tricky exercise. This workshop guides project managers, scrum masters, software developers and all the project stakeholders through the analysis, definition and implementation of agile structures and methods in safety critical projects.

Who Benefits From This Training

This workshop is tailored to benefit a wide range of professionals, from manager and project leaders to developers and testers, who are involved in functional safety and agile development. It is particularly important for the R&D department who approaches the functional safety topic for the first time or need to introduce agile concepts in their development.


The Functional Safety & Agile Development Workshop has a duration of about 8 hours and covers the following topics:

  • Overview of process requirements required by functional safety (sector specific)
  • Synergies between agile development and safety development
  • Challenges related to agile development in safety context (backlog, team organization, etc.)
  • Gap Analysis and discussion about customer specific project setup
attending a training

Upon the training the attendee will be requested to provide a list of questions/topics to be adressed in detail. The training can be integrated with an additional day/module where the topics are applied to a specific customer project and discussed in more detail.

Your Expertise After the Training

Upon completing this training, you will gain the ability to understand the sinergies, differences and opportunities related to agile and functional safety development. You will be well-prepared to integrate agile aspects into your functional safety development. You will understand the practical implication of the standard requirements, and bridge the gap with the agile mindset and techniques.

How We Can Help You

We have a a robust history of successful execution of tailored trainings and workshops. We strongly believe in crafting training experiences that align with the specific needs of our customers. Do not hesitate to reach out to us so that we can define the most suitable agenda for you and your organization. Your journey into the world of functional safety starts here.

innotec consultant experts help you with your functional safety projects

Ready to explore the world of Functional Safety?

Get in touch with us today, and let’s find the ideal training solution for your requirements.